Unquestionably pigeons peas commonly known as Ndengu is one crop that signifies great meaning within Kenya .It’s a legume being able to adapt quickly to grow on most fertile soil found in regions such as Machakos Kitui Meru Tharaka-Nithi .The importance surrounding Ndengu cannot be understated since it’s become both significant source income for farmers while also remaining close at heart owing cultural significance.

The addition of Ndengua into traditional dishes plays a vital role in enhancing flavors- stews,soups,and curries are all tastier for its inclusion. It boasts of vast nutritional content, which includes fiber, vitamins, minerals as well as protein, a healthier alternative to meat providing numerous protective digestive and heart health benefits.Its popularity locally and abroad continues to rise  contributing towards Kenya’s agriculture sector.

Ndengu is well-known for both preserving tradition as well as enriching household meals ensuring sustainability within Kenyan culinary heritage. It remains of great value even with exposure to significantly healthier alternatives making it an incontrovertible crop whose role in agriculture development within Kenya continues to remain steadfast.

Average Price of Ndengu in Kenya

1KG120.00 Kitui County

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